Re-imagining Reality


The mind blowing potential of leveraging our sense of awareness to fathom the revelation of mutual relevance and share the present intent is the quantum leap of faith we need to realise the nature of cocreative confluence, tip the scale in our favour and ease the dread of our collective conscience in the wake of our devastation.

Realising that the ascendance of our species depend on a collective transcendence to sentience is a vexing revelation of the present sense we share intent in mutual relevance that would endear our conscious awareness, enable the vested evolutionary advantages that remain dormant in lieu of the doubt of our beleaguered beliefs and the disbelief of our conviction.  The opportunity to revel in the flow of cocreative confluence is bound to be realised by our next of kin, but the provenance we bequeath to our progeny in the aftermath of our devastation abide in the wake of clear and present evidence that we refute in fealty to the convictions we uphold, and the status quo we unwittingly heed despite the self evident change we may muster intent to manifest the change we need. 

In the advent of the quantum leap afforded by advanced technology and the higher resolutions to observe the behaviour of the sub atomic building blocks of matter that we manifest intent we are inevitably the first conscious entities capable of peering beyond the veil of our atomic reality and witness first hand the fundamental principles that inform the nature of creation, and as far as we know the first to observe how the entangled confluence we share entrain the mututal relevance present, and though the we are only entities in the whole of the known universe with the means to see how Nature endear intent to entrain the subatomic ebb and flow of the particles we manifest aware. But low and behold the first generation to fathom the fundamental principles of creation was concieved without access to the technological abilities to witness the dual entangled, equal mirror opposite expression of creation, but relying purely on the relevance that prevail, and realising the nature of reality by rational deduction and a logical approach vested in the sense of relevance that manifest existence. The honour of first civilization to realize the dual entangled nature of matter we manifest in the wake of prevailing mutual relevance go to to the prehistoric authors of the Veda, and though the accolade of the first scientist to concieve the existence of a 'Unified Theory' was backed with irrefutable proof and unequivocal evidence the Vedic deduction of a collective conscience and the common sense of purpose we share as created curators of creation is a revelation that seem to elude our proprietary perspective and evade the presence that appease our lifestyle rather than manifest the means to live life well and aware.

I find it disconcerting that the evidence in question is currently held for ransom by the bias of deluded conventions, antiquated conventions and blind belief, and all the more alarming given the evidence under embargo leaves much of the body of knowledge we hitherto construed as proof is subject to the purview of religious decree we believe, and in serious need of reassessment, reperation and restitution if we aspire to live life well.

What is more, changes are that a conscious application of the clear and undisputed principles inte is clear and simple, more sensible than most endevours, easy to grasp, and permeate everything that ever manifest. So much so that a child is perfectly able and capable of grasping the vested fundamental principles and recognizing the all present and pervasive expression in Nature. From a present sense aware of preminent ability to make sense of the present, aware of the cocreative manifest we invoke intent is all but a fait accomplis. I shudder to imagine the travesty we bequeath our progeny if we fail to rise above the apparent chaos that threaten our sanity and drives us to distraction. 

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