The present is perfect

Meaning is the bane of modern day living. A curious concern if you consider the nature of living life well.

If your notion of reason is biased you may argue that life is a lesson and believe in living life on your own terms, learning how to love life as it comes, or reminding yourself to laugh in times of adversity, but from a present sense perspective living life well has nothing to do with the past.

And though the past may look like a opportunity to learn from our mistakes to build a better future it is of little use in living the present.

Just as learning to appreciate the little things in life or minding yourself to be thankful for what you have, taking calculated risks and making sure you keep ahead of the pack are worthy persuits only if you look at life from a glass half empty point of view.

Learning to remain positive and confident at all times is a poor substitute for knowing the present is perfect in every conceivable way.

Which is one of the first lessons I live by. The present is perfect.

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