Welcome to the age of Aquarius

Most of us are seemingly ubiquitous to the inherent ability vested in symbols and sigils, or the practice of mudras and mantras. As weird or strange as we may believe them to be the principles that inform their manifest nature are common, pervasive, intuitive and self-evident to anyone willing to play in the flow of Nature's confluence. Contrary to the proprietary and privileged nature of our normal daily discourse, living life well realizes the present intent in sense and mutual relevance, and the rest is taken care of by the principles that have been manifesting creation since the beginning. 

In the image below the relation between the expression of subtle energy vortices are illustrated without the universal context of the content in the previous image, and subsequently lack much of the resonance of relevance the previous image entrain by layering the image with content that invoke the flow of Nature's co creative confluence.

Whereas the image above is a reasonable assumption of the most salient features of the Chakra according to most sources, the wide range of various attributes that feature in our modern perception on the manifest principles of the vibrational ability that we entrain belie a belief that refute the true nature of manifestation, imbue the nature of flow state entrainment with religious decree, and hold the present accountable for living a life of luxury in stead of intent, and beleaguer the reason for living with a contentious ideology that is out of context and conveniently cultivated to appease a devout perspective devoid of the meaning we share intent in mutual relevance, regardless of our culture, creed or cast.

With the advent of the Age of Aquarius and the shocking revelation that much of the past age, everything we've achieved, and most of what we believed to be true is likely moot under the current alignment of stars. In the wake of the change and the midst of a global end to the world we knew to prepare for the one we are awakening. 

Becoming aware of the present we share intent, in sense and mutual relevance has understandably left many a mind reeling in the abject horror of the realisation, most trying their best to forget the horror they saw, hiding in terror, fearing the present apparent. All of which are perfectly reasonable and entirely appropriate to the dire circumstance, but wasted on the few that found sense in the revelation and reason for the destruction, and reason to the madness that prevail. Praying for redemption or celebrating the retribution belief is as much a sign of a traumatised mind as the senseless denial of the present in lieu of a cognitive dissonance disorder. Regardless of the chaos and destruction that prevail at our behest, realising the validity of universal principles and awakening to a common sense and mutual understanding of the nature of existence is a looming certainty.

Living life well is fun to fathom, and much easier to realize once you relinquish your vested interest in appeasing convention and allow the providence of present sense to guide the presence you share its intent.

As the universe ascends from the darkness and insanity of the past we are bound to awaken to the conscious awareness we share with the rest of our inhabitants. In the unlikely event that we survive until then an era will end. The past is changing and whatever we believe and hold dear is due to topple and crumble and fall, and out of the dust of its demise will arise the dawn of reason.

Untill then, high five, hang ten, and don't bang your head!


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