Perception is of Latin origin from the word percipere, meaning to seize or understand. While this may seem to infer some significance, explanation or cause based on information received, we must be cautious to assume that something is present or not based on our perception.
The reason why it is so difficult to define perception is that it changes from one moment to the next, and our mind has the ability to alter any sensory stimulus based on a variety of factors. They include things such as which half of our brain has control over sensory input at the time of awareness, how we feel at the time, the simultaneous or remembered presence of any emotion, any conscious or unconscious value that we may attach to the sensation and whether it is a shared experience. All of which take care of one face of reality as we know it. The next face put our awareness in perspective with everything else we have experienced, and provide us with an understanding of what we have perceived. The third ‘face’ that complete our experience of reality is our reaction to the awareness, based on our understanding of the sensory stimulus we felt. This not only changes our input, but may also change the factors that influence our perception. Considering all that has been said it is perhaps a bit harsh to say that reality is flawed, when in truth it just has more than one face. What we need to understand is to what level our perception is influenced by both conscious, as well as unconscious factors, factors that may or may not be under our control. We need to know that we lose our ability for rational thought and logical reasoning when we are emotionally triggered, and we need to accept the fact that there will never be a reality quite like our own.
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