More tips for dads

I take my hat off to any guy that decide to have a baby in this day and age. With all the challenges that we face on the social, political, financial, health and environmental fronts, you must have real guts to take on that kind of responsibility. And to bring a child into the world today you must have a lot of confidence, not only in yourself but in the whole of mankind.

But I find it amusing that there are still new parents today that are caught up in the angst of proper child raising techniques when, on the one hand more and more research is showing that all a child dadsneeds is good food, clean water, love and shelter, while on the other hand everyone is warning of a meltdown of just about everything that we have worked for. Polar ice caps included.

While parents are wondering if they are providing their children with the right values and norms to survive and thrive in a society that is changing so fast that they, the parents themselves are having difficulty to adapt, the odds are about even that there will any habitable world left for them to grow up in all! The only way that we can ensure that our children are left with a planet where they will be able to have their own children is by doing something now. We are the only hope they have.

There is very little sense in losing sleep over bad parenting when there isn’t a world left to give them. And infants born to this day and age are much better equipped to survive the society that is their legacy than we are led to believe. With the help of modern science and technology we are finding more and more evidence that our bodies and minds are uniquely designed to adapt to just about any environment we throw at it. But they are human, just like us. They need air to breathe, food to eat and water to drink.

The only thing our children really depend on us is a world to live in and love. The chances that we will understand their world is slim to none, and the odds of us being able to provide them with any useful advice almost zero. If I had any children and I was the betting kind, I’d take my chances on the 50/50 odds we have of saving our environment.

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